Southridge Public School

School Council

Handbook & Bylaws


Southridge Public School operates a

School Council as required, by the

Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB)

and Ontario’s Ministry of Education.


The following document is designed to assist new and existing

School Council Public School stakeholders*  understand the purpose and roles of School Council and its Code of Conduct.  It identifies Bylaws created and approved by School Council and

the relevant provincial/local policies and procedures that may affect it.

(*students, parents/guardians, staff, administration, and community members)


Table of Contents

Southridge Public School Council


  • What is it?
  • What is it not?
  • What is WRAPSC?
  • What is PIC?
  • Code of Conduct
  • Bylaws /Voting
  • Roles


Welcome to School Council!

The education of our children is a partnership & your involvement will help strengthen that partnership.

We’re glad you’re here.



What is the Role of School Council?

It is an advisory board that functions within the parameters of Ministry of Education and WRDSB policy. The ultimate responsibility for the administration and day-to-day school operations rests with our principal/Vice Principal.

It provides a means to advise the principal/Vice Principal and WRDSB on any matter pertaining to pupil achievement.

Active participation by parents/guardians enhances the accountability of the education system to our families.

Work together with parents, students, community members, staff and administration to build a strong school community. Support school planning and focus on strategies and activities which empower students to be life-long learners.

Southridge Public School website:


What is it not?

School Council is not a place to pursue your own agenda.

Individual issues should be pursued through the classroom teacher, the Principal/Vice Principal and School Superintendent.


What is the “Waterloo Region Assembly of Public School Councils (WRAPSC)”?

It is an independent, parent/guardian-run, non-political organization designed to have a representative from each school in WRDSB for the purposes of:

Assisting all school councils in their work with improving student achievement and wellbeing.

Providing a single voice for school councils on matters of significant importance which impact all schools.

Establish a forum for the exchange of ideas, concerns and best practices for school councils.

The meetings provide a forum for networking, support, and sharing of concerns, information, achievements and best practices.


Meetings are held on the last Tuesday of the month at 4:15.

Contact WRAPSC at:

More information can be found at:

Or on Facebook at:



What is the “Parent Involvement Committee (PIC)”?

The Ontario Ministry of Education mandated that a PIC be established in all school boards in Ontario with the purpose of:

Supporting and enhancing meaningful parent involvement at the Board level to improve student achievement and well-being.

Acting as an advisory body to the local school board to provide an important link to the Director of Education and trustees.

Building parent engagement by providing information and advice to the school board on parent engagement and communication.

Developing strategies/initiatives the Board can use to engage more parents to support their children’s learning at home/school.

Sharing information with and supporting the work of school councils.


Contact PIC at:

More information online at:


Code of Conduct

This code outlines the Southridge Public School Council’s expectations of its members and their behaviour.


All members shall:

ü Consider the best interests of all students.

ü Be guided by our school and school board’s vision, policies and procedures.

ü Act within the limits of the roles and responsibilities of a School Council, as identified by the Ontario Ministry of Education, Waterloo Region District School Board and Southridge Public School’s Bylaws.

ü Maintain the highest standards of integrity.

ü Respect each member of our school community.

ü Allow for diverse opinions to be shared without interruption.

ü Encourage a positive environment in which individual contributions are encouraged and valued.

ü Acknowledge democratic principles and accept the consensus of the Council.

ü Respect the confidential nature of some school business and respect limitations this may place on the operation of the Council and on what information can be shared.

ü Limit discussions at school Council meetings to matters of concern to the school community as a whole.

ü Use established communication channels when questions or concerns arise.

ü Declare any conflict of interest.

ü Not accept any payment or benefit financially through School Council involvement.


 Southridge Public School Council Bylaws

  1. Regulations

1.1. These bylaws are made under the authority of:

1.1.1. Ministry of Ontario Education Act: Ontario Regulation 612,00

1.1.2. Ministry of Ontario Education Act: Ontario Regulation 613,0 (amendments to 612,00)

1.1.3. Waterloo Region District School Board Policies

1.1.4. Waterloo Region District School Board Procedures

1.2. In any case where these bylaws are deemed to be in conflict with any of these regulations, the above stated regulations will supersede these bylaws.


  1. Name of Organization

2.1. This organization will be Southridge Public School Council, hereinafter referred to as “the Council” or “Council”.

2.2. The Waterloo Region District School Board will be hereinafter referred to as “the Board” or “WRDSB”.

2.3. The name of the school “Southridge Public School” will be hereinafter referred to as “SPS”.

2.4. This School Council may not be incorporated.


  1. Membership

3.1. School Council membership will consist of at least nine members but shall not be restricted by a maximum number.

3.2. Parents/guardians can join at any time through the school year.

3.3. Parents/guardians become members after attending their second meeting.

3.4. Membership includes elected or acclaimed parents/guardians of Southridge Public School students except where:

3.2.1. The parent/guardian is employed at the school; may not be on the Council.

3.2.2. The parent/guardian is employed elsewhere with WRDSB. They can join Council but at their first meeting must take reasonable steps to inform all voting members, of their status.

3.5. Principal: as a non-voting member.

3.6. Staff: one teacher from the school, elected by the teaching staff.

3.7. Staff: one non-teaching member (support staff), appointed by the Principal/Vice principal.

3.8. Student: invited in consultation with the teacher rep and/or Principal/Vice principal.

3.9. Community member: appointed by the Council.


  1. Officers

4.1. The Council shall elect a Chair or two Co-Chairs.

4.2. The Council shall elect or appoint a secretary and a treasurer.


  1. Election Procedures

5.1. Election of Parent/Guardian Members

5.1.1. Election of parent/guardian members must take place in the first 30 days of each school year.

5.1.2. The nomination timelines will be determined by the Chair, or Co-Chairs, after consulting with the Principal/Vice Principal.

5.1.3. The date of election will be determined by the Chair, or Co-Chairs, after consulting with the Principal.

5.1.4. The Principal will notify all parents/guardians regarding the nomination process.

5.1.5. The Principal will notify all parents/guardians at least 14 days before, of the election date, time and location.

5.1.6. Each member is entitled to one vote in all votes taken by the Council or by subcommittee.

5.1.7. Voting shall take place by show of hand.

5.1.8. The prior year’s Chair or Co-Chairs shall act as vote counters. If none is in place, the Principal shall do so.

5.1.9. Votes and results will be included in the minutes.


5.2. Principal

5.2.1. The SPS principal is automatically a member but can appoint a delegate in the case of an absence.


5.3. Election of the Teaching Staff Representative

5.3.1. Anyone assigned to SPS teaching staff (full/part-time) other than Principal/Vice-Principal may be a candidate.

5.3.2. The Principal will make the necessary arrangements for the election amongst all teaching staff.


5.4. Election of the Non-Teaching Staff Representative

5.4.1. Anyone assigned to the non-teaching staff of SPS (full or part-time) may be a candidate.

5.4.2. The Principal will make the necessary arrangements for appointment of the non-teaching staff representative.


5.5. Appointment of the Student Representative

5.5.1. The Principal and/or Teaching Staff will determine the student representative on a per-meeting basis. Section of Community Representative

5.5.2. All appointments are to be by majority vote at a meeting of the school Council.


  1. Meetings

6.1. Council meetings must be held at least four times during the school year.

6.2. At the first meeting of the new school year, dates, times, and locations will be set for full year’s meetings.

6.3. All meetings must be advertised and open to the general public.

6.4. Location will be virtual.

6.5. Agenda items will be shared with the Council one week ahead of the scheduled meeting.

6.6. Meetings will allow open time after all agenda items are covered, for additional discussions.


  1. Voting

7.1. Each School Council member is entitled to one vote on a motion except:

7.1.1. The Principal.

7.1.2. A member who has declared a conflict of interest in the issue at hand

7.1.3. The Student Representative.

7.2. All attempts will be made for decisions to be made by consensus.

7.3. The quorum for Council votes will be 50% of the voting members, plus one (1).



All Members

  • Participate regularly in Council meetings
  • Attend meetings prepared: familiar with agenda items and prepared to report on any action items assigned
  • Act as a link between the Council and members of the school community
  • Provide input to the discussions/recommendations made during Council meetings
  • Provide volunteer time at Council activities
  • Encourage parents/guardians and the community to become involved in School Council activities
  • Notify the Chair(s) if unable to attend a meeting, and provide your input/ comments on agenda items
  • Individual members should not act outside of, or claim to speak on behalf of the School Council, with the exception of the Chair/Co-Chairs or the approved WRAPSC representative
  • Acknowledge the contributions of Council members and volunteers (appreciation event, thank you in newsletters, etc.).
  • Keep good records for every event that the Council organizes to make things easier for the following year
  • Share the workload so you don’t “burn out” your volunteers.


Role of the Chair/Co-Chair

  • Provide leadership to the School Council and its members
  • Monitor the implementation of School Council decisions
  • Consult with the parents/guardians about matters under consideration (requirement under Ontario Regulation 612/00)
  • Chair Council meetings
  • Prepare agenda in consultation with the Principal, distribute it to Council members one week prior to each meeting
  • Ensure the minutes of all Council meetings and financial transactions are recorded and stored in the School Council Handbook in the main office and on SPS website so they are made available to all
  • If no WRAPSC rep is selected within the Council membership, represent Council at WRAPSC meetings
  • Consult with Board staff and trustees, as required



  • Attend all meetings. If unavailable, find a replacement & advise Chair, or Co-Chairs/Principal
  • Record the attendance at meetings, record minutes of the meetings
  • Ensure all relevant reports/handouts are included in the minutes
  • Ensure an electronic copy of the minutes gets distributed to the full Council and published on the SPS website
  • Time commitment: 2-4 hours/month



  • SPS office staff prepare full detailed monthly account of receipts and disbursements
  • Treasurer reviews statements and presents to the Council at each meeting and/or when requested
  • Time commitment: half hour per month



  • Facilitate the establishment of the School Council and assist in its operation
  • Notify parents/guardians of who is elected to School Council
  • Consult with School Councils in accordance with Ontario Regulation 612/00
  • Consider the recommendations made by the School Council and respond to School Council recommendations
  • Facilitate the elections for the teaching staff representative
  • Facilitate the appointment of non-teaching staff representative
  • Assist the Teaching Representative with the per-meeting selection of a student representative
  • Assist the Chair in the preparation/distribution of the agenda to all Council members at least one week prior to each meeting
  • Provide written notice of meetings and elections in accordance with the Ontario Regulation 612/00

Maybe given through newsletter sent home with every student for sharing with their parents/guardians and through a posting on the Council bulletin board and SPS web site

  • Maintain a copy of the School Council minutes at the school for examination, without charge, by any person – for four years
  • Send a copy of the School Council Annual Report to all parents/guardians at the school
  • Assist in the operation of the School Council by:

o providing information and resources required by the School Council to enable it to make informed decisions

o communicating with the Chair(s) of the School Council on a regular basis

o helping to publicize School Council activities by such means as the school newsletter or the school phone dialer;

o provide access to the Google system for communications from Council to WRDSB, WRAPSC or other School Councils

  • Assist the School Council in communicating with the school community
  • Provide for the prompt distribution of Ministry and Board materials designated for School Council members
  • Provide space to parents/guardians for posting of Council information and a place to the Chair (designate) for Council mail
  • Provide access/training to an existing computer at the school for the Assembly Representative to access WaterWorks
  • Maintain the responsibilities and obligations of the principalship as mandated by WRDSB policy, and the Education Act and Regulations of the Province of Ontario as it relates to School Councils
  • Appoint a designate (usually the Vice-Principal) if unable to attend a meeting